23、 Natural Language Processing and Text Mining
a) 作者:Anne Kao,Steve R. Poteet
b) ISBN:978-1846281754
c) 页数:265
d) 定价:$ 79.95
e) 出版社:Springer
f) 出版年:2006
g) 简介:With the increasing importance of the Web and other text-heavy application areas, the demands for and interest in both text mining and natural language processing (NLP) have been rising. Researchers in text mining have hoped that NLP—the attempt to extract a fuller meaning representation from free text—can provide useful improvements to text mining applications of all kinds.
24、 Foundations of Computational Linguistics
a) 作者:Roland Hausser
b) 副标题:Human-Computer Communication in Natural Language
c) ISBN:978-3540424178
d) 页数:578
e) 定价:$99.00
f) 出版社:Springer
g) 第一版出版年:1999;第二版出版年:2001
h) 简介:The central task of a future-oriented computational linguistics is the development of cognitive machines which humans can freely talk with in their respective natural language. In the long run, this task will ensure the development of a functional theory of language, an objective method of verification,and a wide range of practical applications. Natural communication requires not only verbal processing, but also non-verbal perception and action. Therefore the content of this textbook is organized as a theory of language for the construction of talking robots. The main topic is the mechanism of natural language communication in both the speaker and the hearer.
i) 国内一个对本书详细的评价:http://ling.cuc.edu.cn/htliu/rechu.htm
25、 A Computational Model of Natural Language Communication
a) 作者:Roland Hausser
b) 副标题:Interpretation, Inference, and Production in Database Semantics
c) ISBN:978-3540354765
d) 页数:365
e) 定价:$99
f) 出版社:Springer
g) 出版年:2006
h) 简介:Everyday life would be easier if we could simply talk with machines instead of having to program them. Before such talking robots can be built, however, there must be a theory of how communicating with natural language works. This requires not only a grammatical analysis of the language signs, but also a model of the cognitive agent, with interfaces for recognition and action, an internal database, and an algorithm for reading content in and out. In Database Semantics, these ingredients are used for reconstructing natural language communication as a mechanism for transferring content from the database of the speaker to the database of the hearer.
26、 Handbook of Natural Language Processing
a) 作者:Robert Dale , H. L. Somers, Hermann Moisl
b) ISBN:978-0824790004
c) 页数:964
d) 定价:$249.95
e) 出版社:Marcel Dekker, Inc
f) 出版年:2000
g) 简介:This study explores the design and application of natural language text-based processing systems, based on generative linguistics, empirical copus analysis, and artificial neural networks. It emphasizes the practical tools to accommodate the selected system.