train-factored-phrase-model.perl -scripts-root-dir bin/moses-scripts/scripts-20090113-1019 -root-dir workdir/baseline -corpus workdir/corpus/europarl.lowercased -f fr -e en -alignment grow-diag-final-and -reordering msd-bidirectional-fe -lm 0:3:workdir/lm/europarl.3lm:0 –parallel
  报错提示:“ ERROR: Filename is not absolute: 090211workdir/lm/europarl.3lm at bin/moses-scripts/scripts-20090113-1019/training/
train-factored-phrase-model.perl line 219.”

  Two more patches attached (I'm still operating under the assumption that this is the best place to send them).
  These patches add an absolute file name check. This bit me when I tried to learn how to use tuning. The train-factored-model script was perfectly happy to let me use relative filenames for the language model. But when I want to do tuning via mert-moses, I got a complaint about the same filename in my autogenerated moses.ini file being non absolute.
  Note that the mert-moses patch is only (presumably) for portability.




作者 52nlp

  1. hello! I encountered a problem during training in step 3 with the
    following message

    Using SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR: --corpus
    Using single-thread GIZA
    ERROR: use --corpus to specify corpus at /root/mtworkdir/bin/scripts/scripts-20110321-0844/training/train-model.perl line 212.

    root@ubuntu:~/mtworkdir/www# /root/mtworkdir/bin/scripts/scripts-20110321-0844/training/train-model.perl --scripts-root-dir $SCRIPS_ROOTDIR --corpus /root/mtworkdir/www/corpus/train-6000 --f mg --e ch --alignment grow-diag-final-and-reordering msd-bidirection-fe --lm 0:3:/root/mtworkdir/www/lm/chinese-lm.txt >& /root/mtworkdir/www/training.out &
    [1] 2880

    Has anyone encountered this message before?
    And does anyone have a clue what it means?


    52nlp 回复:

    Sorry, I don't know!


    tianliang 回复:

    you should give the path of the $SCRIPS_ROOTDIR first,so you can run" export SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR=/home/tianliang/research/moses/scripts/target/scripts-20101111-1130" first,
    and then run your program again,have a try!



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